Global warming

                    Global warming 

Global warming has become a very common term nowadays throughout the world. Global warming refers to the gradual rise in the overall temperature of the atmosphere of the Earth. There are various activities taking place which have been increasing temperature gradually. Random cutting of trees and rapid urbanization is one of the most harmful causes of global warming. The greenhouse gases emitted by refrigerator and sir conditioner are destroying ozone layer day by day and for this reason the temperature of the environment increases. As a direct consequences of it the water level of oceans increase due to continuous melting of ice in Oceania. Many rare species of floura and fauna have become extinct or now in endangered situation. Many new deases have been seen due to climate change. To curb it , we need to use other sources of energy like solar energy. We need to switch to the electric vehicles rather than LPG vehicles. Lastly but no less importantly we need to plant more and more trees to reduce global warming. If Government can take part to reduce Global warming by mobilising mass awareness we can build a global warming free healthy and happy society. 

Writen by Priyansu chatterjee

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