Learn a New Language and Get a New Soul.

                                                    “Learn a New Language and Get a New Soul.”

 The above quote is a meaningful proverb which defines that a person learning new language is developing a new born character in himself. A new language is a new life indeed. A language is a window to another culture. Gestures, terms of endearment, proverbs are expressions of a worldwide. To communicate and be on par with the world, the first language that stands common is English. It’s a part of global community.  In the fast-evolving world, it is essential to have a common language that we can understand to make the best use of the data and information available. As a result, the English Language has become a storehouse of various knowledge ranging from social to political fields. It will be beneficial to learn this language to open doors to new opportunities. Lack of English knowledge does not allow children to progress with the rest of the world. Even a professional degree is commonplace today. What makes a CV noteworthy is knowledge of a foreign language.


Technologies Can Be Used Only With English Instruction:-


Most of the Modern Technologies are invented, reinvented and modernized in foreign shores. The inventers keep the English language for the instruction manual of the technological gadget so that the gadget can be used worldwide. Therefore getting updated with the latest trend, early knowledgeable English Language is an absolute necessity.


Higher Education Emphasizes On The English Language:-


Since English language plays an essential role in our lives as it helps in communication, English is important for students as it broadens their minds, develops emotional skills, improve the quality of life by providing job opportunities. Learning English language is important due to the following reasons: (1) Developing Perfect communication skill in oneself (2) Gain good confidence (3) Achieving one’s future goals early (4) Builds up effective personality (5) Multiple career opportunities.


English Medium Schools are in great demand and have special preference. Schools based on English medium curriculum promotes critical thinking and analytical skills. English is an official language and with a revolutionary change in time English Medium Schools have become most important and surviving aspect. Since time has evolved tremendously therefore in order to balance or run with the rapidly developing society, communicating in English is highly essential. Even after completing School a student will reach an age of acquiring knowledge like persuing Degrees from various Colleges or Universities most of the classes are being taught in English. The study materials are all in English. Hence, undoudtly English is obviously a necessary requirement. Studying in English medium schools provides numerous privileges. The subjects taught in English Medium schools and the language being used is English. Therefore it creates a regular habit of  learning and reading in English for the students. Students become extremely fluent and expert in speaking English and develops a good thinking capacity in English and are quite eligible in writing skills. To progress in career, both writing and speaking skills beholds importance. Not only that besides all this, these kinds of schools creates a strict disciplinary structure and always encourages students and motivates them to interpret information, think carefully and patiently and solve challenging issues. Moreover, it initiates a feeling of missionary in children’s mind. With our growing Modern Digitalized Culture, Nowadays every English Medium schools are progressing regularly thereby expanding and uplifting their educational mode at its best. Hiring faculty with highly experienced and good knowledge in english will help in improving and nurturing in child’s communication and writing abilities  efficiently such as : constructing sentences without grammatical errors, debates, group discussions, inter-state level competitions, application and essay writing, delivering speech with proper accent and pronunciation spreading education through audio-video mode with good projectors and co-ordinators so on.


Moreover, Schools intended to teach students the importance of responsibility, hard work and citizenship. This will instil character in students and reinforce positive behaviour. Students does develop an essence of ‘LIBERTY’, ‘EQUALITY’ and ‘FRATERNITY’ in themselves. The Educational material and Teaching methodology are conducive. The fluency of world-class curriculum matches the fluidity of relevant modern knowledge demands.







Writen by Shreyoshi Mahajan

Teacher - General and Advance Courses in Dishari
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